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Apprentices and Students

Madness starts soon after the graduation from school: apprentices and students search for an accommodation. Some of them spend their nights at friends on the couch or even in city gyms. It doesn’t have to get that far.


  • Modern rooms
  • Own shower room
  • Lockable cabinets in the hall
    (against deposit)
  • Free internet and TV
  • Secure access with chip card
  • Maritime view
  • Fully equipped kitchens on the floor

Prices per night and bed

Shared room


Minimum booking 2 nights

Booking details

The indicated price per night and bed is subject to a discount. It will be granted against proof to apprentices and students who are engaged in studies or a vocational training in Rostock at the time of booking. Furthermore, it is only valid outside Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s semester breaks and vocational school vacations and for the nights from Sunday to Monday until Thursday to Friday only.  

For further information we kindly ask you to use the inquiry form on this website or to contact us directly – Tel. +49 381 4567-3930; Email wirotelmittelmole{at}


© Alexander Rudolph